Below is a list of the 1676 colleges in the United States with the highest average high school GPA for incoming freshmen. California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo tops the list with an average reported GPA of 4.0. Note that not all colleges report GPA for their incoming class. Those with asterisk(*) denote a predicted GPA by the CollegeSimply AI algorithm.
GPA Data is reported by participating colleges to Wintergreen Orchard House and is reproduced under license.
School | Average GPA | |
University of Notre DameEstimated GPA Notre Dame, IN |
3.91* | |
Amherst CollegeEstimated GPA Amherst, MA |
3.91* | |
Northeastern UniversityEstimated GPA Boston, MA |
3.91* | |
Tufts UniversityEstimated GPA Medford, MA |
3.91* | |
Columbia University in the City of New YorkEstimated GPA New York, NY |
3.91* | |
University of FloridaGainesville, FL |
3.9 | |
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteWorcester, MA |
3.9 | |
Carleton CollegeEstimated GPA Northfield, MN |
3.9* | |
Dartmouth CollegeEstimated GPA Hanover, NH |
3.9* | |
Cornell UniversityEstimated GPA Ithaca, NY |
3.9* | |
Cedarville UniversityCedarville, OH |
3.9 | |
Haverford CollegeEstimated GPA Haverford, PA |
3.9* | |
Swarthmore CollegeEstimated GPA Swarthmore, PA |
3.9* | |
University of DallasIrving, TX |
3.9 | |
Texas Lutheran UniversitySeguin, TX |
3.9 | |
Olin College of EngineeringNeedham, MA |
3.9 | |
Claremont McKenna CollegeEstimated GPA Claremont, CA |
3.89* | |
Pomona CollegeEstimated GPA Claremont, CA |
3.89* |