Eastern Colleges for a 28 on the ACT

Popular colleges to consider with a 28 ACT

Displaying 141 colleges where your 28 ACT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 417 target schools (good chance), 96 reach (harder) schools and 390 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Eastern Colleges for a 28 on the ACT
School ACT Score Range
University of Hartford

West Hartford, CT

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22 to 29
SUNY College at Oswego

Oswego, NY

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19 to 29
State University of New York at New Paltz

New Paltz, NY

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25 to 29
Rutgers University Newark

Newark, NJ

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21 to 28
Wentworth Institute of Technology

Boston, MA

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25 to 31
Fitchburg State University

Fitchburg, MA

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22 to 28
Penn State Harrisburg

Middletown, PA

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24 to 28
Clark University

Worcester, MA

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28 to 33
Roger Williams University

Bristol, RI

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25 to 31
Molloy College

Rockville Centre, NY

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24 to 28
Le Moyne College

Syracuse, NY

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26 to 31
Simmons University

Boston, MA

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28 to 32
Robert Morris University

Moon Township, PA

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24 to 28
Springfield College

Springfield, MA

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26 to 31
Emmanuel College

Boston, MA

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25 to 30
Allegheny College

Meadville, PA

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23 to 30
DeSales University

Center Valley, PA

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23 to 29
Susquehanna University

Selinsgrove, PA

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23 to 30
Fairleigh Dickinson University College at Florham

Madison, NJ

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19 to 30
Ursinus College

Collegeville, PA

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28 to 32
Rutgers University Camden

Camden, NJ

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25 to 30
Western New England University

Springfield, MA

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24 to 29
Delaware Valley University

Doylestown, PA

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23 to 28
Penn State Altoona

Altoona, PA

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21 to 28
Drew University

Madison, NJ

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26 to 28
Utica College

Utica, NY

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23 to 32
Gannon University

Erie, PA

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20 to 28
Saint John Fisher College

Rochester, NY

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23 to 29
College of the Holy Cross

Worcester, MA

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28 to 32
United States Coast Guard Academy

New London, Connecticut

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26 to 31

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