A 2.9 grade point average is a numerical representation of your course letter grades on a 4.0 scale. Your 2.9 GPA indicates you averaged B- grades in your classes and delivered slightly below average performance. The percent equivalent of a 2.9 grade point average is 82% on the percentage grading scale. This means that you scored an average of 82% on tests and assignments. GPA values for B- letter grades range from 2.7 to 2.9. Your 2.9 GPA positions you at the high end of the B- range, demonstrating you have likely earned almost straight B's. Learn more about what the B- letter grade signifies.
A 2.9 is short of the average U.S. high school GPA of 3.1 and a bit behind of the average GPA for college-bound students (3.15 GPA). It signifies that you've achieved mostly B's and some C's, demonstrating slightly below-average academic performance. While a 2.9 may not be ideal for top-tier universities or scholarships, there are many four-year colleges to choose from where a 2.9 GPA is well within the typical GPA range for accepted students. If you are still a junior or below, you have a few semesters to earn some A's and B's to bring your GPA over 3.0. This will allow you to apply to a larger range of more selective colleges.
Graduating with a high school GPA of 2.9 places you within of the academic range at Mid Atlantic colleges like CUNY Queens College, SUNY College at Brockport and SUNY College at Buffalo. Based on incoming freshman GPA data for Mid Atlantic schools, our analysis indicates that 27 colleges would consider your 2.9 GPA competitive. The most popular colleges, historically accepting students with GPAs within the range of 2.7 to 3.1 (2.9 +/- 0.2), are listed below. To view your chances of admission at each school, scroll down and explore the full list.
If you have a low GPA and have decided to take action to improve your grades, congratulations setting a goal is an important first step. A 3.0 is a good target as it will open many more doors for you when you apply to colleges.
In order to increase your 2.9 you will need to take some steps
Next an important consideration is if it's mathematically possible and realistic to achieve a 3.0. This will depend greatly on how far along you are in school as it gets progressively harder to increase a grade average. Consult the table below for a detailed look at your highest possible GPA and what grades it will take to get there.
Let's examine how a 2.9 GPA stacks up to the national high school averages across various demographic groups
Statistics source: 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) High School Transcript Study (HSTS)
Consider the following tips to improve or maintain your 2.9 GPA. These are good study habits to develop in high school which will improve your college admission chances.
Aside from good study habits, chart your path towards your target GPA by understanding what it will take to get there. You can refer to a raise your GPA calculator to check the future grades you need to achieve the GPA you aspire to.
The table below will help you see how high or low you can possibly change your GPA if you currently have a 2.9. As you progress in school it becomes more and more difficult to improve your overall grade point average. Select the tab and table column corresponding to the last semester you completed. Then find a row for your predicted future letter grade average. The result would be your GPA at graduation if you can maintain that letter grade.
27 results
Displaying 27 colleges where your 2.9 GPA is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Filter by admission chance for 69 target schools (good chance), 318 reach (harder) schools and 138 safety (easier) schools you can consider.
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