Midwestern Colleges for a 19 on the ACT

Popular colleges to consider with a 19 ACT

Displaying 141 colleges where your 19 ACT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 405 target schools (good chance), 348 reach (harder) schools and 324 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Midwestern Colleges for a 19 on the ACT
School ACT Score Range
Cardinal Stritch University

Milwaukee, WI

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18 to 21
Avila University

Kansas City, MO

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17 to 23
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Omaha, NE

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18 to 26
University of Wisconsin Parkside

Kenosha, WI

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17 to 23
The University of Findlay

Findlay, OH

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19 to 26
Crown College

Saint Bonifacius, MN

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18 to 23
Wright State University Lake Campus

Celina, OH

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18 to 24
Defiance College

Defiance, OH

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17 to 23
University of South Dakota

Vermillion, SD

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19 to 25
Olivet College

Olivet, MI

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18 to 23
Concordia University Chicago

River Forest, IL

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19 to 25
Minneapolis College of Art and Design

Minneapolis, MN

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19 to 27
Rochester College

Rochester Hills, MI

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17 to 23
Indiana University East

Richmond, IN

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18 to 26
Hiram College

Hiram, OH

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16 to 24
Huntington University

Huntington, IN

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18 to 26
Upper Iowa University

Fayette, IA

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18 to 24
Central College

Pella, IA

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19 to 26
Hastings College

Hastings, NE

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19 to 26
Grace College and Theological Seminary

Winona Lake, IN

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18 to 26
Olivet Nazarene University

Bourbonnais, IL

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19 to 26
Oakland City University

Oakland City, IN

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17 to 23
York College

York, NE

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14 to 27
Purdue University North Central Campus

Westville, IN

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19 to 23
North Central University

Minneapolis, MN

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18 to 24
Wilmington College

Wilmington, OH

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16 to 21
Cleary University

Howell, MI

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18 to 19
Blackburn College

Carlinville, IL

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16 to 24
University of Wisconsin River Falls

River Falls, WI

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19 to 25
Missouri Southern State University

Joplin, MO

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18 to 24

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