B Letter Grade

B letter grade is equal to 83-86 percent and 3.0 GPA

B Letter Grade, 83-86% and 3.0 GPA equivalent

What is a B letter grade?

A B is the fifth highest grade on the U.S. high school and college grading scale ranging from A+ to F. A letter B means good or above average performance in a class.

What is a B grade in percentage?

The percent value for a B is 83-86. This means that the student answered 83-86 percent of the questions correctly on tests or earned 83-86 percent of points on assignments. The B letter grade range (B+/B/B-) extends from 89% to 80%, so a B is in the middle of the B scale.

Is a B letter grade good?

Yes, a B is a good grade. While a B traditionally means "above average", in reality it's about average for most high school students where the national average GPA is around 3.0 (B).

What is a B GPA?

The GPA scale value for a B is a 3.0 grade average. 3.0 grade points are assigned to classes when calculating GPA's using the unweighted 4.0 scale. Any GPA higher than 3.0 and lower than 3.3 is considered a B average.

How can I get a B average?

You can earn a B average by getting B's in every class, or offsetting a lower grade with more than one B+'s. For example, if you got an B, B, B-, B+ and B+, the two B+'s will cancel out the B- and you will have a 3.06 GPA (B). In summary, you need to earn more B+'s or A's than B-'s or C's. The math can be tricky, so it's easier to try a example using a GPA calculator.

To achieve a B average, you will need to pay attention in class and participate in classroom discussion. It really helps if your teacher sees you as an active member of the class. It may work to your benefit if you're on the border between a C and a B. Study hard, turn in assignments on time and concentrate on scoring 83 or above on your assignments and tests.

What colleges can I go to with B grades?

Consider these 267 selective four year colleges where the average high school grades for incoming freshman is in the B range (average GPA 3.0 +/- .2). These are a good match and you have a very competitive chance getting into all of these. Popular colleges include Morgan State University, Alabama State University, Texas Southern University, California State University East Bay.

There are 700 reach colleges where you may get in with a B average. Acceptance may be tougher because your grades are a bit lower or competition for acceptance is high.

Additionally, you may want to consider these 461 safety schools where the average GPA is lower than a B or the colleges have open admission policies (100% acceptance). You are likely to get into these colleges.

"B" position on the Letter Grade Scale

Reference table of the letter grade scale with grade points and percent equivalents. This grading is used my most U.S. high schools and colleges using an unweighted 4.0 scale. Use this table to convert a letter grade to a GPA or percentage.

High School and College Grade Point Scale for Letter Grades
Grade Points Percent
A+ 4.0 97-100
A 4.0 93-96
A- 3.7 90-92
B+ 3.3 87-89
B 3.0 83-86
B- 2.7 80-82
C+ 2.3 77-79
C 2.0 73-76
C- 1.7 70-72
D+ 1.3 67-69
D 1.0 63-66
D- 0.7 60-62
F 0.0 59 or lower