United States Public Colleges Ranked by Highest In State Tution

List of Public Colleges by In State Tution

Below is a college cost ranking of the 656 public colleges in the United States with the highest in state tution. What is the most expensive college in the United States? College of William and Mary tops the list with a tuition and fee total of $23,970. Note these costs do not include room and board or living expenses.

All price data are reprinted from the U.S. Department of Education's 2022-2022 IPEDS Survey and reflect reported costs for the 2021/2022 academic year.

List of United States Public Colleges Ranked by Highest In State Tution
School Tuition In State
University of Connecticut Hartford Campus

Hartford, Connecticut

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University of Connecticut Tri Campus

Waterbury, CT

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University of Connecticut Avery Point

Groton, CT

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Eastern Michigan University

Ypsilanti, MI

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Rutgers University New Brunswick

New Brunswick, NJ

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University of Massachusetts Lowell

Lowell, MA

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Rutgers University Camden

Camden, NJ

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Vermont Technical College

Randolph Center, VT

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Penn State Erie Behrend College

Erie, PA

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Penn State Altoona

Altoona, PA

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Penn State Berks

Reading, PA

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Penn State Harrisburg

Middletown, PA

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University of Rhode Island

Kingston, RI

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Winthrop University

Rock Hill, SC

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University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Minneapolis, MN

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Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, VA

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University of New Hampshire at Manchester

Manchester, NH

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University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Champaign, IL

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