Southern Colleges for a 19 on the ACT

Popular colleges to consider with a 19 ACT

Displaying 257 colleges where your 19 ACT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 747 target schools (good chance), 381 reach (harder) schools and 495 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Southern Colleges for a 19 on the ACT
School ACT Score Range
Dillard University

New Orleans, LA

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19 to 25
Oral Roberts University

Tulsa, OK

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19 to 25
Macon State College

Macon, Georgia

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16 to 20
Paine College

Augusta, GA

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15 to 19
University of South Carolina Aiken

Aiken, SC

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18 to 24
University of South Carolina Beaufort

Bluffton, SC

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17 to 22
Newberry College

Newberry, SC

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16 to 22
Pfeiffer University

Misenheimer, NC

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18 to 25
Maryville College

Maryville, TN

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19 to 27
Gordon College

Barnesville, GA

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15 to 19
Eastern Kentucky University

Richmond, KY

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17 to 24
Johnson & Wales University Charlotte

Charlotte, NC

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16 to 22
Young Harris College

Young Harris, GA

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17 to 26
West Virginia State University

Institute, WV

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17 to 22
Georgia Southwestern State University

Americus, GA

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19 to 25
Our Lady of the Lake University San Antonio

San Antonio, TX

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15 to 23
Mary Baldwin College

Staunton, VA

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18 to 24
University of Charleston

Charleston, WV

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19 to 23
Prescott College

Prescott, AZ

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15 to 24
Piedmont International University

Winston Salem, NC

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15 to 23
Francis Marion University

Florence, SC

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15 to 22
Limestone University

Gaffney, SC

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19 to 25
Brewton Parker College

Mount Vernon, GA

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18 to 23
Arkansas Tech University

Russellville, AR

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17 to 24
University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Lafayette, LA

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19 to 24
Livingstone College

Salisbury, NC

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14 to 21
Columbia International University

Columbia, SC

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16 to 25
Trinity College of Florida

Trinity, FL

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16 to 22
North Greenville University

Tigerville, SC

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18 to 25
Emory and Henry College

Emory, VA

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18 to 24

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