Public 2 Year

Umpqua Community College Demographics & Diversity

Roseburg, Oregon

 1 Reviews

Racial Demographics & Diversity

Racial Diversity
Very Low

A college's ethnic diversity is indicated by the student body's equal inclusion of students from different backgrounds . Students at Umpqua Community College are mostly White with a small Hispanic population. The school has very low racial diversity. 18% percent of students are minorities or people of color (BIPOC). The ethnic breakdown is detailed in the following table.

Racial demographics of Umpqua Community College students
Race Percent of Students
White 82%
Black 1%
Hispanic 6%
Asian 2%
American Indian / Alaskan 2%
Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 1%
Two or more races 4%
International 0%
Race Unknown 2%

Gender Demographics & Diversity

Gender Diversity

There are 69% more female students than male students enrolled at Umpqua Community College with a gender ratio of 63% women to 37% men. Compared to the US average of 56% female students, Umpqua Community College has a lower gender diversity than other US colleges and is less inclusive of males.

Male to female gender ratio for Umpqua Community College students
Gender Percent of Students
Men 37%
Women 63%
Enrollment by gender for Umpqua Community College students
Gender Number of Students
Men 865
Women 1,460

Geographic Diversity

Geographic Diversity
Very Low

Umpqua Community College serves a very low number of students outside of Oregon, with 81 percent of the student body residing in-state.

Enrollment by geographic location for Umpqua Community College students
Origin Percent of Students
In State 81%
Out of State 19%
Foreign 0%
Unknown Location 0%

Economic Diversity

Median Household Income
$47,551 per year

53% of students can be considered low-income as indicated by their receipt of Federal Pell Grant Aid.

Undergrad Student Population

Undergrad enrollment by age and part time status
Segment Percent of Students
Students Over 25 Years Old 47.9%
Part time Undergrads 63.3%

Primary data source, U.S. Department of Education https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/?id=210270 IPEDS survey data for Umpqua Community College.