Public 2 Year

Halifax Community College Location and Distances

Weldon, North Carolina

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Halifax Community College is located in Weldon, North Carolina; population 1,655. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

100 College Drive
Weldon, North Carolina
27890 USA

Map of Halifax Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Halifax Community College from nearby towns.

Halifax Community College distance from North Carolina cities
City Distance
South Weldon1 miles
Roanoke Rapids2 miles
Garysburg3 miles
Gaston5 miles
South Rosemary5 miles
Halifax7 miles
Seaboard11 miles
Jackson11 miles
Littleton16 miles
Gasburg17 miles
Enfield17 miles
Lasker18 miles
Emporia19 miles
Hollister21 miles
Rich Square21 miles
Conway22 miles
Branchville23 miles
Ebony23 miles