Public 2 Year

Union County College Location and Distances

Cranford, New Jersey

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Union County College is located in Cranford, New Jersey;. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

1033 Springfield Ave
Cranford, New Jersey
07016-1599 USA

Map of Union County College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Union County College from nearby towns.

Union County College distance from New Jersey cities
City Distance
Garwood1 miles
Westfield2 miles
Kenilworth2 miles
Mountainside2 miles
Roselle Park3 miles
Roselle3 miles
Fanwood4 miles
Summit4 miles
Rahway5 miles
Short Hills5 miles
New Providence5 miles
Colonia5 miles
Linden5 miles
Chatham6 miles
Plainfield6 miles
Avenel6 miles
Watchung6 miles
Elizabeth7 miles
Iselin7 miles