Colleges for a 1250 on the SAT

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Popular colleges to consider with a 1250 SAT

Displaying 452 colleges where your 1250 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Search, filter and sort this list or view by admission chance for 1,488 target schools (good chance), 237 reach (harder) schools and 3,072 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

List of Colleges for a 1250 on the SAT
School SAT Score Range
University at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY

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1190 to 1380
Texas Christian University

Fort Worth, TX

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1140 to 1360
University of Cincinnati Main Campus

Cincinnati, OH

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1160 to 1360
DePaul University

Chicago, IL

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1070 to 1300
CUNY Hunter College

New York, NY

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1170 to 1340
Mercer University

Macon, GA

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1190 to 1360
West Chester University of Pennsylvania

West Chester, PA

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1080 to 1260
University of Rhode Island

Kingston, RI

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1050 to 1270
Nova Southeastern University

Fort Lauderdale, FL

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1040 to 1310
University of Connecticut

Storrs, CT

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1220 to 1440
University of Oklahoma Norman Campus

Norman, OK

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1130 to 1330
Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, VA

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1030 to 1290
Wayne State University

Detroit, MI

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1040 to 1260
Emerson College

Boston, MA

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1250 to 1430
Belmont University

Nashville, TN

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1150 to 1340
University of Denver

Denver, CO

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1220 to 1400
Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, MS

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1070 to 1280
University of Louisville

Louisville, KY

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1070 to 1270
Montana State University

Bozeman, MT

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1070 to 1290
St John's University New York

Queens, NY

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1110 to 1310
Liberty University

Lynchburg, VA

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1040 to 1250
Utah State University

Logan, UT

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1050 to 1300
Portland State University

Portland, OR

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1000 to 1250
University of California Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, CA

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1160 to 1360
University of Dayton

Dayton, OH

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1158 to 1363
University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Wilmington, NC

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1220 to 1370
University of Minnesota Duluth

Duluth, MN

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1120 to 1350
University of Michigan Dearborn

Dearborn, MI

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1010 to 1290
Christopher Newport University

Newport News, VA

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1100 to 1290
Xavier University

Cincinnati, OH

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1120 to 1310

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