Private 4 Year

Bryant and Stratton College-Milwaukee Location and Distances

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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Bryant and Stratton College Milwaukee is located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; population 594,833. The campus is in a large city setting.

310 W. Wisconsin Avenue Suite 500
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
53203-2608 USA

Map of Bryant and Stratton College-Milwaukee

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Bryant and Stratton College-Milwaukee from nearby towns.

Bryant and Stratton College Milwaukee distance from Wisconsin cities
City Distance
West Milwaukee3 miles
Shorewood4 miles
St. Francis5 miles
Whitefish Bay5 miles
Glendale6 miles
West Allis6 miles
Wauwatosa6 miles
Cudahy7 miles
Greenfield7 miles
Greendale8 miles
Fox Point8 miles
Elm Grove9 miles
South Milwaukee9 miles
Butler9 miles
River Hills9 miles
Hales Corners10 miles
Brown Deer10 miles
Bayside10 miles