Private 4 Year

CityU Location and Distances

Bellevue, Washington

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City University of Seattle is located in Bellevue, Washington; population 122,363. The campus is in a midsize city setting.

11900 NE First Street
Bellevue, Washington
98005 USA

Map of CityU

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to CityU from nearby towns.

City University of Seattle distance from Washington cities
City Distance
Beaux Arts Village2 miles
Clyde Hill2 miles
Yarrow Point3 miles
Hunts Point3 miles
Medina3 miles
Eastgate4 miles
Mercer Island4 miles
Kirkland5 miles
Redmond5 miles
Newcastle6 miles
Sammamish7 miles
Seattle8 miles
Inglewood-Finn Hill8 miles
Kingsgate8 miles
Issaquah8 miles
Klahanie9 miles
Bryn Mawr-Skyway9 miles
Union Hill-Novelty Hill9 miles