Private 4 Year

DeVry University-Utah Location and Distances

Sandy, Utah

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DeVry University Utah is located in Sandy, Utah; population 87,461. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

9350 S. 150 East- Ste. 420
Sandy, Utah
84070-2704 USA

Map of DeVry University-Utah

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to DeVry University-Utah from nearby towns.

DeVry University Utah distance from Utah cities
City Distance
White City2 miles
Midvale2 miles
Cottonwood Heights4 miles
Murray5 miles
Granite5 miles
South Jordan5 miles
Riverton6 miles
West Jordan6 miles
Taylorsville6 miles
Draper6 miles
Holladay6 miles
Bluffdale8 miles
Kearns8 miles
Millcreek8 miles
South Salt Lake9 miles
Herriman9 miles
West Valley City10 miles
Alpine10 miles