Public 2 Year

Hill College Location and Distances

Hillsboro, Texas

 1 Reviews


Hill College is located in Hillsboro, Texas; population 8,456. The campus is in a distant town setting.

112 Lamar Dr
Hillsboro, Texas
76645 USA

Map of Hill College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Hill College from nearby towns.

Hill College distance from Texas cities
City Distance
Carl's Corner5 miles
Bynum6 miles
Abbott9 miles
Itasca11 miles
Milford11 miles
Mertens12 miles
Malone13 miles
Aquilla13 miles
Whitney14 miles
Penelope14 miles
West14 miles
Covington15 miles
Italy17 miles
Frost17 miles
Grandview18 miles
Leroy20 miles
Ross20 miles
Laguna Park20 miles