Public 4 Year

Penn State Dubois Location and Distances

Dubois, Pennsylvania

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Penn State Dubois is located in Dubois, Pennsylvania; population 7,794. The campus is in a remote town setting.

One College Place
Dubois, Pennsylvania
15801-2597 USA

Map of Penn State Dubois

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Penn State Dubois from nearby towns.

Penn State Dubois distance from Pennsylvania cities
City Distance
DuBois0 miles
Oklahoma1 miles
Sandy2 miles
Falls Creek3 miles
Treasure Lake3 miles
Sykesville6 miles
Troutville7 miles
Reynoldsville7 miles
Crenshaw8 miles
Brockway9 miles
Big Run13 miles
Grampian13 miles
Force16 miles
Curwensville16 miles
Lumber City16 miles
Hyde17 miles
Plymptonville17 miles
Weedville17 miles
Punxsutawney17 miles