Public 2 Year

Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology Location and Distances

Pleasant Gap, Pennsylvania

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Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology is located in Pleasant Gap, Pennsylvania; population 2,879. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

540 N Harrison Rd
Pleasant Gap, Pennsylvania
16823 USA

Map of Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology from nearby towns.

Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology distance from Pennsylvania cities
City Distance
Bellefonte3 miles
Zion4 miles
Centre Hall4 miles
Milesburg5 miles
Mingoville6 miles
Houserville6 miles
Lemont6 miles
Mount Eagle7 miles
Unionville7 miles
Boalsburg7 miles
Toftrees9 miles
State College9 miles
Hublersburg9 miles
Jacksonville9 miles
Spring Mills9 miles
Howard10 miles
Snyder10 miles
Park Forest Village10 miles