Public 2 Year

Southwestern Oregon Community College Location and Distances

Coos Bay, Oregon

 0 Reviews


Southwestern Oregon Community College is located in Coos Bay, Oregon; population 15,967. The campus is in a remote town setting.

1988 Newmark Ave
Coos Bay, Oregon
97420-2193 USA

Map of Southwestern Oregon Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Southwestern Oregon Community College from nearby towns.

Southwestern Oregon Community College distance from Oregon cities
City Distance
North Bend1 miles
Bunker Hill4 miles
Glasgow4 miles
Barview4 miles
Lakeside14 miles
Coquille15 miles
Winchester Bay20 miles
Bandon21 miles
Reedsport22 miles
Myrtle Point24 miles
Gardiner24 miles
Langlois34 miles
Dunes City36 miles
Powers36 miles
Elkton38 miles
Lookingglass41 miles
Melrose41 miles
Florence42 miles