Public 2 Year

Chemeketa Community College Location and Distances

Salem, Oregon

 0 Reviews


Chemeketa Community College is located in Salem, Oregon; population 154,637. The campus is in a midsize suburban setting.

4000 Lancaster Dr NE
Salem, Oregon
97305 USA

Map of Chemeketa Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Chemeketa Community College from nearby towns.

Chemeketa Community College distance from Oregon cities
City Distance
Hayesville0 miles
Labish Village3 miles
Keizer3 miles
Four Corners3 miles
Brooks5 miles
Eola8 miles
Turner9 miles
Silverton10 miles
Gervais10 miles
Aumsville11 miles
Mount Angel11 miles
Rickreall13 miles
Woodburn13 miles
Independence14 miles
Sublimity14 miles
Amity14 miles
Stayton15 miles
Monmouth15 miles