Private 2 Year

Ohio College of Massotherapy Inc Location and Distances

Akron, Ohio

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Ohio College of Massotherapy Inc is located in Akron, Ohio; population 199,110. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

225 Heritage Woods Dr
Akron, Ohio
44321 USA

Map of Ohio College of Massotherapy Inc

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Ohio College of Massotherapy Inc from nearby towns.

Ohio College of Massotherapy Inc distance from Ohio cities
City Distance
Pigeon Creek2 miles
Fairlawn2 miles
Montrose-Ghent2 miles
Cuyahoga Falls7 miles
Norton7 miles
Richfield7 miles
Wadsworth8 miles
Peninsula9 miles
Barberton9 miles
Silver Lake10 miles
Portage Lakes11 miles
Medina11 miles
Doyles11 miles
Boston Heights11 miles
Munroe Falls12 miles
Brunswick12 miles
Stow12 miles
Tallmadge12 miles