Private 2 Year

Lincoln College of Technology-Vine Street Location and Distances

Cincinnati, Ohio

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Lincoln College of Technology Vine Street is located in Cincinnati, Ohio; population 296,943. The campus is in a large city setting.

632 Vine St.- Suite 200
Cincinnati, Ohio
45202 USA

Map of Lincoln College of Technology-Vine Street

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Lincoln College of Technology-Vine Street from nearby towns.

Lincoln College of Technology Vine Street distance from Ohio cities
City Distance
Newport2 miles
Bellevue2 miles
Ludlow2 miles
Woodlawn2 miles
Park Hills3 miles
Dayton3 miles
Bromley3 miles
Southgate3 miles
Fort Thomas4 miles
Kenton Vale4 miles
Fort Wright4 miles
Delshire5 miles
Fort Mitchell5 miles
Wilder5 miles
Covington5 miles
Crescent Springs5 miles
St. Bernard5 miles
Norwood5 miles