Private 2 Year

Saint Elizabeth College of Nursing Location and Distances

Utica, New York

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Saint Elizabeth College of Nursing is located in Utica, New York; population 62,235. The campus is in a small city setting.

2215 Genessee St
Utica, New York
13501 USA

Map of Saint Elizabeth College of Nursing

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Saint Elizabeth College of Nursing from nearby towns.

Saint Elizabeth College of Nursing distance from New York cities
City Distance
New Hartford1 miles
New York Mills2 miles
Yorkville2 miles
Washington Mills3 miles
Whitesboro3 miles
Chadwicks4 miles
Clark Mills6 miles
Oriskany6 miles
Clinton6 miles
Westmoreland7 miles
Clayville7 miles
Frankfort10 miles
Holland Patent11 miles
Waterville12 miles
Ilion13 miles
Vernon14 miles
Barneveld14 miles
Mohawk14 miles