Public 2 Year

SUNY Orange Location and Distances

Middletown, New York

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Orange County Community College is located in Middletown, New York;. The campus is in a small city setting.

115 South St
Middletown, New York
10940 USA

Map of SUNY Orange

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to SUNY Orange from nearby towns.

Orange County Community College distance from New York cities
City Distance
Middle0 miles
Mechanics2 miles
Washington Heights2 miles
Scotch4 miles
Goshen6 miles
Otisville6 miles
Bloomingburg8 miles
Florida8 miles
Chester10 miles
Wurtsboro10 miles
Montgomery11 miles
Maybrook12 miles
Unionville12 miles
Warwick13 miles
Pine Bush14 miles
Walton Park14 miles
Washingtonville14 miles
Vernon Valley14 miles
South Blooming Grove14 miles