Public 2 Year

Jefferson Community College Location and Distances

Watertown, New York

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Jefferson Community College is located in Watertown, New York;. The campus is in a remote town setting.

1220 Coffeen St
Watertown, New York
13601-1897 USA

Map of Jefferson Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Jefferson Community College from nearby towns.

Jefferson Community College distance from New York cities
City Distance
Glen Park1 miles
Water2 miles
Brownville2 miles
Pamelia Center4 miles
Dexter5 miles
Calcium6 miles
Black River7 miles
Adams Center8 miles
Fort Drum9 miles
Sackets Harbor9 miles
Felts Mills9 miles
Rodman9 miles
Evans Mills10 miles
Chaumont11 miles
Depauville12 miles
Great Bend12 miles
Adams13 miles
Deferiet13 miles
Herrings14 miles