Public 2 Year

SCC Location and Distances

Box Elder, Montana

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Stone Child College is located in Box Elder, Montana; population 87. The campus is in a remote rural setting.

8294 Upper Box Elder Road
Box Elder, Montana
59521-9796 USA

Map of SCC

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to SCC from nearby towns.

Stone Child College distance from Montana cities
City Distance
Boneau1 miles
Sangrey3 miles
Azure3 miles
St. Pierre5 miles
Rocky Boy's Agency5 miles
Rocky Boy West6 miles
Parker School7 miles
Big Sandy14 miles
Herron17 miles
Beaver Creek17 miles
West Havre18 miles
Saddle Butte18 miles
Havre19 miles
Havre North20 miles
Kremlin21 miles
Gildford26 miles
Hingham31 miles
Chinook35 miles