Public 2 Year

Fort Peck Community College Location and Distances

Poplar, Montana

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Fort Peck Community College is located in Poplar, Montana; population 810. The campus is in a remote town setting.

605 Indian Street
Poplar, Montana
59255-0398 USA

Map of Fort Peck Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Fort Peck Community College from nearby towns.

Fort Peck Community College distance from Montana cities
City Distance
Brockton13 miles
Wolf Point21 miles
Culbertson31 miles
Richey33 miles
Froid36 miles
Fox Lake39 miles
Frazer40 miles
Medicine Lake42 miles
Bainville45 miles
Reserve47 miles
Flaxville48 miles
Scobey48 miles