Private 2 Year

Pinnacle Career Institute-North Kansas City Location and Distances

Kansas City, Missouri

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Pinnacle Career Institute North Kansas City is located in Kansas City, Missouri; population 459,787. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

11500 N Ambassador Ste 221
Kansas City, Missouri
64153 USA

Map of Pinnacle Career Institute-North Kansas City

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Pinnacle Career Institute-North Kansas City from nearby towns.

Pinnacle Career Institute North Kansas City distance from Missouri cities
City Distance
Ferrelview1 miles
Weatherby Lake5 miles
Platte Woods5 miles
Lake Waukomis5 miles
Platte City6 miles
Parkville6 miles
Farley8 miles
Tracy8 miles
Houston Lake8 miles
Oakview9 miles
Oakwood Park9 miles
Smithville9 miles
Gladstone9 miles
Northmoor9 miles
Oakwood9 miles
Riverside9 miles
Oaks9 miles
Ridgely11 miles
Camden Point11 miles