Public 2 Year

Wabash Valley College Location and Distances

Mount Carmel, Illinois

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Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Wabash Valley College is located in Mount Carmel, Illinois; population 7,284. The campus is in a distant town setting.

2200 College Drive
Mount Carmel, Illinois
62863 USA

Map of Wabash Valley College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Wabash Valley College from nearby towns.

Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Wabash Valley College distance from Illinois cities
City Distance
Keensburg7 miles
Bellmont8 miles
Allendale8 miles
Patoka11 miles
Browns11 miles
Bone Gap12 miles
Owensville12 miles
Princeton12 miles
St. Francisville13 miles
Hazleton14 miles
West Salem14 miles
Decker15 miles
Albion15 miles
Grayville17 miles
Fort Branch17 miles
Griffin17 miles
Cynthiana17 miles
Poseyville18 miles