Public 2 Year

Gavilan College Location and Distances

Gilroy, California

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Gavilan College is located in Gilroy, California; population 48,821. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

5055 Santa Teresa Blvd
Gilroy, California
95020 USA

Map of Gavilan College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Gavilan College from nearby towns.

Gavilan College distance from California cities
City Distance
Aromas8 miles
San Martin8 miles
San Juan Bautista9 miles
Interlaken9 miles
Pajaro11 miles
Las Lomas12 miles
Morgan Hill12 miles
Watsonville12 miles
Amesti12 miles
Prunedale12 miles
Corralitos12 miles
Hollister12 miles
Freedom13 miles
Elkhorn14 miles
Aptos Hills-Larkin Valley14 miles
Pajaro Dunes15 miles
La Selva Beach16 miles
Ridgemark16 miles