Public 2 Year

East Arkansas Community College Location and Distances

Forrest City, Arkansas

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East Arkansas Community College is located in Forrest City, Arkansas; population 15,371. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

1700 Newcastle Rd
Forrest City, Arkansas
72335-2204 USA

Map of East Arkansas Community College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to East Arkansas Community College from nearby towns.

East Arkansas Community College distance from Arkansas cities
City Distance
Madison3 miles
Caldwell3 miles
Widener5 miles
Colt7 miles
Palestine9 miles
Haynes10 miles
Wynne13 miles
Hughes18 miles
Marianna18 miles
Parkin20 miles
Hunter20 miles
Wheatley21 miles
Moro21 miles
Jennette22 miles
Aubrey23 miles
Earle24 miles
Fargo24 miles
Anthonyville24 miles