Grades Needed to Maintain a 3.1 if you have a 3.1

GPA calculator for a 3.1, B average

From a 3.1 to 3.1 GPA

If you currently have a 3.1 GPA or B average, these are the future grades you will need to maintain for the remainder of your classes to graduate with a 3.1 or B average. Locate the semester you most recently completed in the first column, that row indicates the GPA you must maintain through graduation to get a 3.1.

I have completed Future grades needed to average 3.1
Freshman 1st Semester 3.10 B
Freshman 2nd Semester 3.10 B
Sophomore 1st Semester 3.10 B
Sophomore 2nd Semester 3.10 B
Junior 1st Semester 3.10 B
Junior 2nd Semester 3.10 B
Senior 1st Semester 3.10 B

Raise or Maintain a GPA

Change Current GPA
- +
Change Desired GPA
- +