Public 2 Year

LCC Location and Distances

Longview, Washington

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Lower Columbia College is located in Longview, Washington; population 36,648. The campus is in a small city setting.

1600 Maple Street
Longview, Washington
98632-0310 USA

Map of LCC

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to LCC from nearby towns.

Lower Columbia College distance from Washington cities
City Distance
Longview Heights3 miles
West Side Highway3 miles
Kelso3 miles
Rainier3 miles
Prescott7 miles
Castle Rock10 miles
Kalama11 miles
Clatskanie13 miles
Deer Island15 miles
Ryderwood17 miles
Woodland18 miles
Columbia City18 miles
Vader18 miles
Upper Elochoman20 miles
East Cathlamet20 miles
St. Helens21 miles
Westport21 miles
Toledo21 miles