Private 2 Year

Aviation Institute of Maintenance-Manassas Location and Distances

Manassas, Virginia

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Aviation Institute of Maintenance Manassas is located in Manassas, Virginia; population 37,821. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

10640 Davidson Place
Manassas, Virginia
20109 USA

Map of Aviation Institute of Maintenance-Manassas

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Aviation Institute of Maintenance-Manassas from nearby towns.

Aviation Institute of Maintenance Manassas distance from Virginia cities
City Distance
Sudley1 miles
Bull Run1 miles
Loch Lomond2 miles
Yorkshire4 miles
Manassas Park4 miles
Linton Hall4 miles
Centreville5 miles
Buckhall6 miles
Haymarket7 miles
Gainesville7 miles
Clifton7 miles
Chantilly7 miles
Nokesville8 miles
Fair Lakes8 miles
South Riding8 miles
Greenbriar8 miles
Fairfax Station10 miles
Stone Ridge10 miles