Private 4 Year

Stevens-Henager College-Ogden Location and Distances

West Haven, Utah

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Stevens Henager College Ogden is located in West Haven, Utah; population 10,272. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

1350 W. 1890 S.
West Haven, Utah
84401 USA

Map of Stevens-Henager College-Ogden

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Stevens-Henager College-Ogden from nearby towns.

Stevens Henager College Ogden distance from Utah cities
City Distance
Marriott-Slaterville2 miles
Ogden2 miles
Harrisville4 miles
Riverdale4 miles
Roy5 miles
Washington Terrace5 miles
Farr West5 miles
South Ogden5 miles
North Ogden6 miles
Pleasant View6 miles
Sunset7 miles
Plain City7 miles
Clinton7 miles
Uintah7 miles
South Weber8 miles
South Willard9 miles
West Point9 miles
Clearfield9 miles