Public 2 Year

OCtech Location and Distances

Orangeburg, South Carolina

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Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College is located in Orangeburg, South Carolina; population 13,964. The campus is in a rural fringe setting.

3250 Saint Matthews Rd
Orangeburg, South Carolina
29118-8299 USA

Map of OCtech

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to OCtech from nearby towns.

Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College distance from South Carolina cities
City Distance
Brookdale2 miles
Wilkinson Heights4 miles
Edisto6 miles
Cameron7 miles
St. Matthews9 miles
Cordova9 miles
Rowesville12 miles
Elloree15 miles
Cope15 miles
Bowman16 miles
North17 miles
Livingston17 miles
Neeses17 miles
Norway18 miles
Woodford18 miles
Santee20 miles
Branchville20 miles
Bamberg21 miles