Private 2 Year

School of Advertising Art Inc Location and Distances

Kettering, Ohio

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School of Advertising Art Inc is located in Kettering, Ohio; population 56,163. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

1725 E David Rd
Kettering, Ohio
45440 USA

Map of School of Advertising Art Inc

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to School of Advertising Art Inc from nearby towns.

School of Advertising Art Inc distance from Ohio cities
City Distance
Centerville3 miles
Oakwood3 miles
Bellbrook4 miles
Beavercreek5 miles
Moraine6 miles
West Carrollton6 miles
Riverside7 miles
Dayton8 miles
Miamisburg8 miles
Spring Valley8 miles
Five Points9 miles
Drexel9 miles
Springboro10 miles
Xenia10 miles
Fairborn10 miles
Waynesville11 miles
Wright-Patterson AFB11 miles
Corwin11 miles