Private 2 Year

Lincoln College of Technology-Cleveland Location and Distances

Cleveland, Ohio

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Lincoln College of Technology Cleveland is located in Cleveland, Ohio; population 396,815. The campus is in a large city setting.

1700 East 13th Street
Cleveland, Ohio
44114-3266 USA

Map of Lincoln College of Technology-Cleveland

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Lincoln College of Technology-Cleveland from nearby towns.

Lincoln College of Technology Cleveland distance from Ohio cities
City Distance
Newburgh Heights4 miles
Cuyahoga Heights5 miles
Bratenahl5 miles
East Cleveland6 miles
Brooklyn6 miles
Linndale6 miles
Brooklyn Heights6 miles
Lakewood6 miles
Cleveland Heights6 miles
Garfield Heights7 miles
Shaker Heights7 miles
University Heights8 miles
South Euclid8 miles
Seven Hills9 miles
Parma9 miles
Independence9 miles
Rocky River9 miles
Maple Heights9 miles