Public 2 Year

WCC Location and Distances

Wilson, North Carolina

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Wilson Community College is located in Wilson, North Carolina; population 49,167. The campus is in a distant town setting.

902 Herring Ave
Wilson, North Carolina
27893-3310 USA

Map of WCC

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to WCC from nearby towns.

Wilson Community College distance from North Carolina cities
City Distance
Elm City6 miles
Black Creek7 miles
Saratoga8 miles
Lucama9 miles
Sims10 miles
Stantonsburg10 miles
Sharpsburg10 miles
Macclesfield13 miles
Bailey13 miles
Eureka13 miles
Fremont14 miles
Walstonburg14 miles
Pinetops15 miles
Fountain15 miles
Kenly16 miles
Nashville17 miles
Pikeville17 miles
Rocky Mount17 miles