Private 2 Year

Mildred Elley School-Albany Campus Location and Distances

Albany, New York

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Mildred Elley School Albany Campus is located in Albany, New York; population 97,856. The campus is in a small city setting.

855 Central Ave
Albany, New York
12206-1513 USA

Map of Mildred Elley School-Albany Campus

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Mildred Elley School-Albany Campus from nearby towns.

Mildred Elley School Albany Campus distance from New York cities
City Distance
Menands3 miles
Colonie4 miles
Rensselaer4 miles
Westmere4 miles
Hampton Manor5 miles
Watervliet5 miles
Green Island7 miles
Troy7 miles
Wynantskill8 miles
East Greenbush8 miles
Voorheesville8 miles
Cohoes8 miles
Waterford10 miles
Castleton-on-Hudson10 miles
West Sand Lake10 miles
Rotterdam11 miles
Niskayuna11 miles
Schenectady11 miles