Private 4 Year

Brown Mackie College-St Louis Location and Distances

Fenton, Missouri

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Brown Mackie College St Louis is located in Fenton, Missouri; population 4,022. The campus is in a large suburban setting.

#2 Soccer Park Rd
Fenton, Missouri
63026 USA

Map of Brown Mackie College-St Louis

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Brown Mackie College-St Louis from nearby towns.

Brown Mackie College St Louis distance from Missouri cities
City Distance
Sunset Hills2 miles
Kirkwood3 miles
Valley Park3 miles
Crestwood3 miles
Sappington4 miles
Oakland4 miles
Des Peres4 miles
Twin Oaks4 miles
Glendale4 miles
Murphy4 miles
Grantwood Village5 miles
Manchester5 miles
Concord5 miles
Warson Woods5 miles
Huntleigh5 miles
Crystal Lake Park5 miles
Webster Groves5 miles
Lakeshire5 miles