Private 4 Year

University of Phoenix-Des Moines Campus Location and Distances

West Des Moines, Iowa

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University of Phoenix Des Moines Campus is located in West Des Moines, Iowa; population 56,609. The campus is in a small city setting.

6600 Westown Pkwy
West Des Moines, Iowa
50266-7724 USA

Map of University of Phoenix-Des Moines Campus

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to University of Phoenix-Des Moines Campus from nearby towns.

University of Phoenix Des Moines Campus distance from Iowa cities
City Distance
Clive1 miles
Urbandale3 miles
Waukee4 miles
Windsor Heights5 miles
Grimes6 miles
Johnston7 miles
Cumming8 miles
Norwalk9 miles
Van Meter9 miles
Des Moines9 miles
Saylorville11 miles
Dallas Center12 miles
De Soto12 miles
Adel12 miles
Granger12 miles
Polk City13 miles
Ankeny14 miles
Spring Hill15 miles