Public 2 Year

Palo Verde College Location and Distances

Blythe, California

 0 Reviews


Palo Verde College is located in Blythe, California; population 20,817. The campus is in a distant rural setting.

One College Drive
Blythe, California
92225 USA

Map of Palo Verde College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Palo Verde College from nearby towns.

Palo Verde College distance from California cities
City Distance
Mesa Verde6 miles
Ripley10 miles
Ehrenberg10 miles
Palo Verde17 miles
Cibola20 miles
La Paz Valley25 miles
Quartzsite25 miles
Poston27 miles
Parker36 miles
Big River37 miles
Bouse41 miles
Brenda41 miles
Desert Center41 miles
Bluewater42 miles
Bluewater42 miles
Cienega Springs44 miles
Utting44 miles
Vicksburg48 miles