Public 2 Year

Berkeley City College Location and Distances

Berkeley, California

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Berkeley City College is located in Berkeley, California; population 112,580. The campus is in a midsize city setting.

2050 Center St
Berkeley, California
94704 USA

Map of Berkeley City College

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Berkeley City College from nearby towns.

Berkeley City College distance from California cities
City Distance
Emeryville3 miles
Kensington3 miles
Albany3 miles
El Cerrito4 miles
Piedmont4 miles
Orinda5 miles
East Richmond Heights6 miles
Oakland7 miles
Rollingwood7 miles
Alameda7 miles
Richmond8 miles
San Pablo8 miles
El Sobrante8 miles
Moraga8 miles
Lafayette8 miles
North Richmond9 miles
Tara Hills9 miles
Montalvin Manor9 miles