Private 4 Year

Agape College of Business and Science Location and Distances

Fresno, California

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Agape College of Business and Science is located in Fresno, California; population 494,665. The campus is in a large city setting.

1313 P Street
Fresno, California
93721-1827 USA

Map of Agape College of Business and Science

Use this map to explore the area around campus and get a sense of its overall location.

Approximate Commuting Distances

These are the commuting distances you will have to travel to get to Agape College of Business and Science from nearby towns.

Agape College of Business and Science distance from California cities
City Distance
Calwa2 miles
Mayfair2 miles
Old Fig Garden4 miles
West Park4 miles
Malaga5 miles
Sunnyside5 miles
Tarpey Village6 miles
Easton6 miles
Clovis8 miles
Bowles9 miles
Fort Washington10 miles
Fowler10 miles
Rolling Hills11 miles
Raisin City12 miles
Del Rey12 miles
Monmouth12 miles
Sanger13 miles
Biola14 miles