Kentucky Colleges for a 3.6 GPA

Kentucky colleges that accept a 3.6 grade point average

What is a 3.6 GPA?

A 3.6 grade point average is a numerical representation of your course letter grades on a 4.0 scale. Your 3.6 GPA indicates you averaged B+ grades in your classes and delivered above average performance. The percent equivalent of a 3.6 grade point average is 89% on the percentage grading scale. This means that you scored an average of 89% on tests and assignments. GPA values for B+ letter grades range from 3.3 to 3.6. Your 3.6 GPA positions you at the high end of the B+ range, demonstrating you have likely earned a mix of A's (4.0) and B's (3.0). Learn more about what the B+ letter grade signifies.

Is a 3.6 GPA good?

A 3.6 beats the the average U.S. high school GPA of 3.1 by 0.5 points. You've earned mostly A's with some B's, showcasing consistently above-average academic performance. It indicates a strong understanding of the course material and good study habits. There are a many state and private colleges where a 3.6 is within the typical GPA range of accepted students. While a 3.6 is a bit low for highly selective colleges, it offers you a strong chance to get into many of the more selective schools in the U.S.

What colleges can I get into with a 3.6 GPA?

Graduating with a high school GPA of 3.6 places you within of the academic range at Kentucky colleges like University of Kentucky, University of Louisville and Northern Kentucky University. Based on incoming freshman GPA data for kentucky schools, our analysis indicates that 16 colleges would consider your 3.6 GPA competitive. The most popular colleges, historically accepting students with GPAs within the range of 3.4 to 3.8 (3.6 +/- 0.2), are listed below. To view your chances of admission at each school, scroll down and explore the full list.

3.6 for Harvard and Ivy League

With a 3.6, you would usually need to rely on athletics, minority ethnicity, socioeconomic hardship or legacy status to have a chance getting into elite universities like Harvard and the Ivy League. A 3.6 is far below the average GPA that these schools usually accept. However, all of these elite colleges do admit a few students with 3.6's every year.

Here are the average GPAs and estimated chances for admission with a 3.6 at Ivy League and other prestigious colleges and universities.

  • Harvard - 4.0 average GPA / 1.2% chance
  • Princeton - 3.93 average GPA / 2.9% chance
  • Yale - 3.95 average GPA / 2.3% chance
  • Penn - 3.95 average GPA / 3.2% chance
  • Dartmouth - 3.9 average GPA / 3.1% chance
  • Brown - 3.94 average GPA / 2.3% chance
  • Cornell - 3.9 average GPA / 3.6% chance
  • Columbia - 3.91 average GPA / 2.0% chance
  • Stanford - 3.96 average GPA / 1.8% chance
  • MIT - 3.96 average GPA / 1.8% chance
  • Caltech - 3.97 average GPA / 1.3% chance

Cum Laude

Cum laude or "with distinction" is a Latin Honor awarded to graduates with high academic performance. The precise range for cum laude designation varies by school but is generally between a 3.5 and 3.6 GPA. As a result, a graduate with a 3.6 GPA typically qualifies for cum laude honors at graduation.

3.6 GPA honor roll

Many high schools have honor rolls which are published to recognize students with consistently high performance. The qualifications for getting on the honor roll vary from school to school. Frequently, a high and standard honor roll is established with different criteria, sometimes for students above 3.0, 3.5 or 3.75 GPAs. In most cases a 3.6 will get you on the honor roll.

Demographic Statistics

Let's examine how a 3.6 GPA stacks up to the national high school averages across various demographic groups


  • Male: A 3.6 is 0.6 points (20%) higher than the average male student GPA of 3.0
  • Female: A 3.6 is 0.4 points (11%) higher than the average female student GPA of 3.23


  • White: A 3.6 is 0.4 points (11%) higher than the average white student GPA of 3.23
  • Black: A 3.6 is 0.8 points (27%) higher than the average black student GPA of 2.83
  • Hispanic: A 3.6 is 0.6 points (22%) higher than the average Hispanic student GPA of 2.95
  • Asian/Pacific Islander: A 3.6 is 0.2 points (6%) higher than the average Asian/Pacific Islander student GPA of 3.39

Statistics source: 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) High School Transcript Study (HSTS)

How can I raise my 3.6 GPA?

Consider the following tips to improve or maintain your 3.6 GPA. These are good study habits to develop in high school which will improve your college admission chances.

  • Identify areas of weakness: Determine which subjects or topics you struggle with and focus on improving those areas. This targeted approach will help you make the most significant impact on your overall GPA.
  • Develop a study schedule: Create a consistent study routine that allocates time for each subject. Establishing regular study habits will help you stay on track and better retain information.
  • Use effective study techniques: Employ proven study techniques like spaced repetition and active recall to enhance your learning and retention.
  • Seek help when needed: Don't hesitate to ask for help from teachers, peers, or tutors if you're struggling with a subject. Most schools offer tutoring services, and your teachers are there to support your learning.
  • Participate in class: Engage in classroom discussions and ask questions. Active participation can deepen your understanding of the material and demonstrate your commitment to learning.
  • Organize your study materials: Keep your notes, assignments, and resources well-organized, making it easier to access and review them when needed.
  • Break down large tasks: Divide complex projects or lengthy assignments into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes it easier to track your progress and reduce feeling overwhelmed.
  • Practice good time management: Use to-do lists or online schedulers to manage your time effectively. Dedicating time for studying, extracurricular activities, and relaxation can help you maintain a healthy balance.
  • Utilize online resources: Take advantage of online resources, such as Khan Academy, YouTube tutorials, or educational websites, to supplement your learning and gain a deeper understanding of challenging topics.
  • Join or form study groups: Collaborate with classmates in study groups to review material, discuss concepts, and prepare for exams. This collaborative learning environment can boost your motivation and understanding of the subject matter.
  • Stay consistent: Consistency is key to improving your GPA. Maintain good study habits, complete assignments on time, and stay focused on your academic goals.
  • Monitor your progress: Track your GPA with a GPA calculator and assess your progress. This will help you stay motivated and adjust your strategies as needed to continue improving.
  • Foster a growth mindset: Believe in your ability to grow and improve. Embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and remind yourself that your efforts will yield results.

Aside from good study habits, chart your path towards your target GPA by understanding what it will take to get there. You can refer to a raise your GPA calculator to check the future grades you need to achieve the GPA you aspire to.

How high can I still increase my 3.6 GPA?

The table below will help you see how high or low you can possibly change your GPA if you currently have a 3.6. As you progress in school it becomes more and more difficult to improve your overall grade point average. Select the tab and table column corresponding to the last semester you completed. Then find a row for your predicted future letter grade average. The result would be your GPA at graduation if you can maintain that letter grade.

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16 results

List of 3.6 GPA Colleges

Displaying 16 colleges where your 3.6 GPA is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Hint: Filter by admission chance for 42 target schools (good chance), 3 reach (harder) schools and 30 safety (easier) schools you can consider.

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY

University of Kentucky

Public 4 Year

2 reviews

3.59 Average GPA

#2 Best Public Universities in Kentucky

  • 31,547enrollment
  • $18,693net price
  • 95%acceptance rate
  • 1070-1290SAT range
  • 21-28ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance95%

Applications Due Feb 15

University of Louisville
Louisville, KY

University of Louisville

Public 4 Year

2 reviews

3.64 Average GPA

#1 Best Public Universities in Kentucky

  • 22,017enrollment
  • $19,327net price
  • 82%acceptance rate
  • 1070-1270SAT range
  • 19-27ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance81%

Applications Due Feb 15

Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY

Northern Kentucky University

Public 4 Year

0 reviews

3.42 Average GPA

#4 Best Public Universities in Kentucky

  • 15,801enrollment
  • $7,259net price
  • 86%acceptance rate
  • 1030-1290SAT range
  • 19-25ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance90%

Applications Due Aug 15

Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY

Western Kentucky University

Public 4 Year

0 reviews

3.42 Average GPA

#6 Best Public Universities in Kentucky

  • 16,493enrollment
  • $12,625net price
  • 97%acceptance rate
  • 980-1170SAT range
  • 18-25ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance98%

Applications Due Aug 1

Murray State University
Murray, KY

Murray State University

Public 4 Year

0 reviews

3.57 Average GPA

#3 Best Public Universities in Kentucky

  • 9,479enrollment
  • $11,042net price
  • 84%acceptance rate
  • 965-1190SAT range
  • 19-26ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance85%

Morehead State University
Morehead, KY

Morehead State University

Public 4 Year

0 reviews

3.52 Average GPA


  • 8,807enrollment
  • $10,991net price
  • 84%acceptance rate
  • -SAT range
  • -ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance86%

Georgetown College
Georgetown, KY

Georgetown College

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

3.54 Average GPA

#6 Best Private Colleges in Kentucky

  • 1,548enrollment
  • $15,152net price
  • 72%acceptance rate
  • 1030-1230SAT range
  • 18-24ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance75%

Bellarmine University
Louisville, KY

Bellarmine University

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

3.42 Average GPA

#2 Best Colleges in Kentucky

  • 2,970enrollment
  • $22,813net price
  • 88%acceptance rate
  • 1100-1290SAT range
  • 21-27ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance92%

Applications Due Feb 1

Centre College
Danville, KY

Centre College

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

3.62 Average GPA

#1 Best Value in Kentucky

  • 1,357enrollment
  • $23,584net price
  • 63%acceptance rate
  • 1195-1470SAT range
  • 27-32ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance62%

Applications Due Jan 15

Transylvania University
Lexington, KY

Transylvania University

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

3.77 Average GPA


  • 979enrollment
  • $25,767net price
  • 91%acceptance rate
  • 1120-1360SAT range
  • 23-29ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance87%

Applications Due Aug 1

Asbury University
Wilmore, KY

Asbury University

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

3.65 Average GPA

#3 Best Value Colleges in Kentucky

  • 1,650enrollment
  • $21,506net price
  • 79%acceptance rate
  • 1080-1320SAT range
  • 21-28ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance77%

University of Pikeville
Pikeville, KY

University of Pikeville

Private 4 Year

1 reviews

3.42 Average GPA


  • 2,434enrollment
  • $17,098net price
  • 100%acceptance rate
  • -SAT range
  • -ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA

Applications Due Aug 15

Lindsey Wilson College
Columbia, KY

Lindsey Wilson College

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

3.41 Average GPA


  • 3,159enrollment
  • $13,056net price
  • 100%acceptance rate
  • -SAT range
  • -ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA

University of the Cumberlands
Williamsburg, KY

University of the Cumberlands

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

3.47 Average GPA

#8 Best Private Colleges in Kentucky

  • 18,053enrollment
  • $14,337net price
  • 83%acceptance rate
  • 960-1160SAT range
  • 16-23ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance87%

Applications Due Aug 31

Alice Lloyd College
Pippa Passes, KY

Alice Lloyd College

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

3.55 Average GPA


  • 565enrollment
  • $16,596net price
  • 98%acceptance rate
  • 760-1140SAT range
  • 17-22ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance98%

Berea College
Berea, KY

Berea College

Private 4 Year

0 reviews

3.62 Average GPA


  • 1,433enrollment
  • $2,020net price
  • 25%acceptance rate
  • 1136-1298SAT range
  • 23-27ACT range
Your 3.6 GPA
Admission Chance24%

Applications Due Mar 31