Embark on your journey to higher education with CollegeSimply's comprehensive college matching tool. Utilize our advanced search engine to discover the ideal college or university that fits your specific needs. Our tool provides access to over 3,500 profiles of U.S. colleges, enabling you to sort, categorize, map, and compare them based on various factors such as GPA, SAT and ACT scores, preferred major, geographical location, and even your chances of admission. Start navigating the landscape of educational opportunities to find schools that resonate with your unique profile.
5 results
Displaying 5 colleges where your 1500 SAT score is within the typical range of past accepted students. You have a chance at being accepted but admission may be challenging at more selective colleges. Filter by admission chance for 3 target schools (good chance), 0 reach (harder) schools and 57 safety (easier) schools you can consider.
Public 4 Year
6 reviews
Test Optional
#8 Best Public Universities in America
Applications Due Nov 16
Private 4 Year
0 reviews
Test Optional
#1 Best Value in Oregon
Private 4 Year
4 reviews
Test Optional
#1 Best Private Colleges in Washington
Applications Due Jan 15
Private 4 Year
3 reviews
Test Optional
#2 Best Value Colleges in Washington
Applications Due Aug 15
Public 4 Year
0 reviews
Test Optional