How to Calculate Weighted GPA?

How to Calculate Weighted GPA?

How do I figure out my weighted GPA? I know my unweighted GPA, but with all the honors and AP classes I take, it seems higher when weighted.

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Calculating your weighted GPA involves adjusting your course grades based on their difficulty level. In a weighted GPA system, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Honors courses typically receive additional grade points above the standard 4.0 scale. AP and IB classes usually add 1.0 to your grade point value, while Honors classes typically add 0.5 points.

To calculate your weighted GPA, first assign the standard grade points for each class: A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0, F=0. Then add the extra points for advanced courses. For example, an A in AP Biology would be worth 5.0 points instead of 4.0, and a B in an Honors English class would be worth 3.5 instead of 3.0. Regular classes maintain their standard point values.

Once you have determined the weighted point value for each class, multiply each course's point value by the number of credits it's worth. Add all these numbers together to get your total weighted grade points. Finally, divide this sum by the total number of credits you've taken. The resulting number is your weighted GPA, which can exceed 4.0 due to the extra points from advanced courses.

Keep in mind that different high schools may use varying systems for calculating weighted GPAs. Some schools might award different bonus points, or only weight certain types of advanced courses. It's important to check with your school counselor to understand your school's specific weighting system, as this will affect how colleges interpret your GPA during the admissions process.

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